One of the best days of my life…

OK, if you are a FB friend of mine, you have seen these photos, but OMG, I so have to share them here.  So, Robert and I made our way to Puerto Veijo today.  After checking into our hotel and unpacking, we made our way to the first bar we came across — turns out it was a place called The Point that served both microbrews and cheap wine and had a Green Bay Packers flag above the bar.  So, as you can imagine, we planted ourselves on our bar stools and settled in for the afternoon.  We totally thought that was good enough for the day.  (In our defense, it is rainy season and rained all afternoon…).

However, at one point I looked over my shoulder towards the road and caught a glimpse of a sloth — yes a sloth — crossing the road.  I yelped “Oh my god….watch my drink…” and went running out to the road.

And this is what I saw.  It was amazing.  One of the best days of my life.  I even managed to stop some traffic while it crossed the road.  And shoo’ed a dog away.  And I was absolutely giddy for the rest of the afternoon.

This is so much better than the snakes in Cahuita…

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About theschneiduks

Lisa has a degree in biology and another in law and has spent the last 20 years working as a patent litigator. She is a voracious reader of young adult dystopian fiction and watches far too much bad tv. She loves pretty much anything to do with zombies, and doesn’t think there is anything weird about setting an alarm at 6 am on a weekend to stumble to a pub to watch her beloved Chelsea boys. Robert has had many professions, including a chef, a salesman, an IT guy and most recently, a stay at home dog dad. He speaks Italian and hopes to learn Spanish on this trip. He loves nothing more than a day spent sailing, hopes to do more scuba diving, and rues the day he introduced Lisa to football (i.e., soccer).
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2 Responses to One of the best days of my life…

  1. Brian Schneider says:

    What are the yellow/green spots on its head?


    • Dad, I’m guessing it is algae but I don’t know for sure. I do know sloths are often covered in it. And it looks like it might have tangled with a car or something before bc it had a big scrape on its back.


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